Horsewrite Journal Holiday Special
- Sale ends on January 2, 2021
- Prompts to help focus before and reflect after a lesson, weekly tracking, horse profiles, barn information, grid paper and arena diagrams
- We are using Amazon to fulfill your order. You will be redirected to this site for purchase
- If you have any questions or issues please email
I need reminders before my ride to keep my shoulders back, elbows in place and heels down. I realized that by the time I get to the barn, I’m decompressing from my work day and not 100% focused like I want to be. I definitely want to make the most of my time with my trainer and feel bad that she is reminding me all the time about my shoulders and elbows. I never thought of journaling to help get my mind where it needs to be before a ride, it is really helping!
"A Routine to Help Riders See Progress"
Want to Start Riding Horses? A Guide For Your First Riding Lesson
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